Airport Queue Insight (AQI)

Airport Queue Insight is a managment tool that helps airports monitor waiting times and systematically improve the passenger experience for key airport processes

Identify passenger needs - Passenger processes are a key cause of dissatisfaction among travellers. Quite often this results from service delivery that does not reflect what travellers truly want. The Airport Queue Insight helps you how long different passenger segments expect to wait for key processes so you can deliver the type of experience they want.

Systematically improve - Four key research modules help managers identify expectation levels and drivers of satisfaction, monitor waiting times, set more effective service targets and fix bottlenecks in real time. It is the most effective way to systematically improve your passenger processes.


Identify expectation levels Adapt service delivery Manage processes in real time


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Systematically improve

AQI helps airport managers systematically improve their key passenger processes.

  1. Understand needs & evaluate expectation levels of key passenger segments
  2. Monitor waiting times for key passenger processes & see if these meet expectation levels
  3. Set targets according to passenger needs
  4. Optimize service delivery & fix key bottlenecks through real-time monitoring

How it works

AQI provides a 4 step process to systematically improve key passenger processes:

1.  Understand needs - passenger survey of key processes

Airport specific survey of departing passengers in the gate area and arriving passengers in the baggage claim area to find out what they think of your processes and how long they expect to wait.

2.  Measure waiting times - simple, cost-effective system for monitoring waiting times

Measure actual waiting times for all passenger processes using a simple methodology specially developed for monitoring airport queues.

3.  Set targets - detailed performance analysis

Let DKMA aggregate, analyse your data and help you set targets. We take all of your process related data, analyse it and provide you with a dashboard that clearly shows you what level of service your passengers want, how well you are meeting their expectations and where you need to improve.

4.  Optimize service delivery - real-time process monitoring

Real-time monitoring of satisfaction levels for key processes using an instant feedback system. Get alerts when satisfaction drops below a certain level and fix bottlenecks in real-time.


Airports can choose to take part in individual modules or complete the whole process.

What you get

The Airport Queue Insight gives you a detailed picture of the current performance of your key passenger processes. Participating airports get detailed reports and dashboards providing the following insight:

Daily / weekly reports

  • Summary reports showing satisfaction levels for key processes and customized SMS alerts when satisfaction levels drop.

Quarterly dashboards & reports

  • Segmentation analysis showing the needs & expectations of key traveller groups.
  • Detailed evaluation of satisfaction levels
  • Segment gap analysis showing when service delivery failed to meet expectation levels
  • Overview of waiting times & total processing times
  • Trend analysis

Annual analysis

  • Key driver analysis & list of priorities to improve satisfaction levels
  • Analysis of satisfaction levels vs. waiting times and definition of minimum waiting times required to meet expectation levels

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