Airport Demographics Survey (ADS)

The Airport Demographics Survey is passenger segmentation study providing all the insight you need to plan successful commercial, operational, marketing & route development strategies

The Airport Demographics Survey provides all the insight you need to truly understand the people who are your passengers, their needs, habits and expectations so you can provide the type of service they want.

One segmentation for the whole airport - What sets the Airport Demographics Survey apart from other segmentation studies is that it has been developped specifically for airports. Get one single set of detailed personas that provide exactly the insight your teams need to create the sort of experience that will maximize passenger satisfaction & spending. 


Identify key segments Understand consumption habits Focus your commercial strategy


Learn more about the Airport Demographics Survey by clicking on the links below

One segmentation for the whole airport

The Airport Demographics Survey provides you with a comprehensive segmentation that can be used by all airport teams.

Information for commercial teams
We provide information on passenger consumption habits (shops they visited, products they bought, brands they like, amounts spent, etc...) to help your commercial teams identify the most profitable segments and target their offering.

Information for marketing teams
We help you understand what different passenger groups value and what motivates them so you can tailor and target your marketing communication. Using our catchment area analysis you will be able to ensure your messages reach their target more effectively.

Information for operations teams
We provide information on the types of processes passengers used and the levels of service they expect so your operational teams can deliver the level of service passengers want. We also help you assess the interest in premium services such as priority lanes and build business case for this.

Information for passenger experience teams
We help you understand what the motivations to travel are for different groups of passengers and see how they want to use your airport (working, playing, exploring, waiting, etc...). Using this information you will be able to create the sort of experience your travellers want maximizing satisfaction levels.

Information for route development teams
We provide you with a detailed snapshot of who your passengers are so you can better market your airport. And we show you which new routes passengers are interested in to help you plan your development strategies.



How it works

The ADS is a passenger survey distributed in the gate area of your airport. Passengers are asked to provide information on their travel habits and how they used your airport. By collecting information from travellers on the day we ensure that we get a clear picture of their airport experience while it is still fresh in their mind.

The Airport Demographics Survey creates a detailed picture of who your passengers are and how they used your airport. We cover:

  • Passenger travel habits (class of travel, trip frequency, etc...)
  • Motivations & reasons for travelling
  • Consumption habits (outlets visited, purchases made, amount spent, reasons for not buying, brands they prefer, etc...)
  • Process information (type of check-in and security they used, expected and perceived waiting times, types of additional services they used)
  • How they used their time while at your airport (shopping, eating, working, waiting at the gate, exploring, etc..)
  • The list of destinations they would like you to offer
  • Personal information (income, occupation, gender, size of group, etc...)
  • Catchment area information (residency, postal code, etc...) and mode of transportation to reach the airport

We recommend performing two annual waves of research in order to cover both the winter and summer schedules. A minimum sample of 2,000 passengers are interviewed during each wave to enable segmentation and drilling down into the data. Surveys are performed using tablets for rapid reporting and maximum flexibility (we can tailor the content of the research to reflect the exact situation at your airport).

What you get

The Airport Demographics Survey gives you a detailed picture of who your passengers are, helping you identify the most profitable segments and make sure your offering matches their needs.

Detailed personas
We help you identify your key segments and learn what their habits are and what they expect of your airport. We go beyond the simple demographic splits traditionally used for demographic profiling in airports. We create detailed personas to illustrate each segment helping you better understand their needs, motivations and aspirations so you can create the type of passenger experience your travellers want.

Insight into consumption habits to help you target your commercial offering
Traditionally airport segmentation studies tend to be built around travel habits. Our segmentations on the other hand are focused on passenger consumption habits and on understanding how passengers want to use your airport. We help you identify the most profitable segments for your airport and see what drives their spending. Make sure your commercial offering matches your segment needs and maximize passenger spending. And you can also combine the ADS with the Airport Consumer Survey to get a 360 degree view of your commercial experience and boost sales.

Insight into the travel needs of key segments to help you maximize passenger satisfaction
Our segmentation is designed to provide all the information your operational and passenger experience teams need to design the processes and experience your travellers want. We help you understand how passengers want to use your airport. Learn which processes passengers want to use, the type of additional services they are interested in using and how they like to spend time while at your airport.

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