Category Archives: Uncategorized

Managing stakeholders – lessons from a two year old

Angry toddler

I’ve got a two year old son. Like kids of his age he is starting to want to do things his own way – mainly things I don’t want him to it seems. And so I regularly find myself having to tell him “no”, “stop” or some other variation of the same theme.

While this approach worked at first it doesn’t seem to have the same effect any more. As soon as he gets over the initial surprise of me talking with a much louder voice he simply starts doing the same thing all over again with a smile on his face.

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It’s all about the toilets

How do you make airport toilets great?

One of the first things I was told when I started working with airports, was that ultimately passenger satisfaction is all about the toilets.

Washrooms at Seoul Incheon Airport

Washrooms at Seoul Incheon Airport

While it’s true that there is a general correlation between overall satisfaction and the toilet experience, what is very clear is that poor experiences in the toilets are often very strongly linked to passenger overall dissatisfaction. Therefore while it is good to have a great washroom experience, it is essential that the passenger does not have a bad experience.

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